You are invited to join us!
We invite you to join Butler County Right to Life in its “grassroots efforts” to promote, educate and advocate for the right to life for every person from conception until natural death. In practical ways, we desire your help as we work to develop a culture where every person – at every stage and age – is treated with dignity and respect. No matter how great or small your giftings are, you can be a blessing to others!
If you share our “pro-life” passion, please consider engaging with us and also our Partners in the work to eliminate abortion, infanticide, euthanasia and assisted suicide in our county and beyond. Those who find themselves in need or are facing a crisis situation need life-affirming resources and direction to organizations that can provide trust-worthy, caring support. You are the link.
Please email or contact us if you’d like to get involved. God Bless You!